All Classes and Interfaces

Common base class for all abstract superclasses for beans that are handled by install4j.
Abstract base class for form components.
Abstract base class for install actions.
Abstract base class for screens that can be used in the installer or uninstaller.
Abstract base class for installer screens.
Abstract base class for actions that can be used for installation or uninstallation.
Abstract base class for styles.
Abstract base class for uninstall actions.
Abstract base class for uninstaller screens.
The base interface for all actions.
Base class for BeanInfos of actions classes.
Enumeration class for all possible elevation strategies for actions.
Property type for a configurable list of actions.
Interface for the ActionBeanInfo.ATTRIBUTE_ACTION_LIST_INITIALIZER value of a bean descriptor.
Property descriptor for properties that contain a list of configurable actions.
Validates actions if the validation depends on a containing ActionList property.
Property type for an anchor.
Enumeration class that represents the different display modes.
This class allows you to launch an installer application, such as an updater, from your own application.
You can implement this interface to receive notifications when the installer application exits or needs to shut down your application.
You can implement this interface to receive progress information from the installer application.
Empty implementation of ApplicationLauncher.ProgressListener.
Window mode for starting the application in process.
The class provides information about applications installed with install4j.
Provides information about an application installed by install4j.
Configuration class to set the default selection values of the possible answers for the "Ask user" failure strategy when configuring actions in the install4j IDE.
If you write an installation action that wants to be automatically invoked in the uninstaller to revert its changes, you can additionally implement this interface.
Common interface for all types of beans that are handled by install4j.
Interface for the Install4JBeanInfo.ATTRIBUTE_BEAN_INITIALIZER value of a bean descriptor.
Exception for notifying the user that a property value of a bean is not valid.
Interface for the Install4JBeanInfo.ATTRIBUTE_BEAN_VALIDATOR value of a bean descriptor.
Represents the created GUI components for a form component.
A Console object allows you to display information to the user and request input when the installer or uninstaller is running in console mode.
Base class for installation and uninstallation context.
Implemented by form components that want to handle navigation functionality for a style.
Implemented by objects that handle navigation functionality.
Types of navigations buttons in the user interface.
Extended design-time services for customizers.
Enumeration class for all possible placements of the customizer in the install4j GUI.
Default implementation of UnattendedProgressInterface.
Enumeration class for the different drive types a file can be located on.
Collection of methods regarding the UAC elevation state on Windows Vista or higher.
Enumeration class for the different elevation states the current process can be in.
Entry in an enumeration defined by EnumerationMapper.
Interface for mapping values and descriptions of enumerated properties.
Callback for deciding how an error should be handled.
Indicates the action that should be taken after an error has occurred.
Enumeration class that represents all different event types for instances of InstallerEvent.
Property type for files from outside the distribution tree to be used in beans.
Enumeration class for all possible failure strategies of actions.
Enumeration class for all possible file content types for file property descriptors.
Provides information about a file in the distribution tree.
An object that contains options for the installation and uninstallation of a file.
Property descriptor for properties that contain one or several file.
Enumeration class for all possible file selection modes for file property descriptors.
This interface provides information about file sets.
All form components must implement this interface.
Base class for form component bean infos.
The form environment gives access to form components in a form panel as well as to other design time or runtime services related to form components.
Any screen can have a form panel, just like the "Additional confirmations" screen or the "Configurable form" screen.
Type of a layout group.
Interface that must be implemented by a tri-state check box.
Base class for bean infos.
Property descriptor for use in instances of Install4JBeanInfo.
All install actions must implement this interface.
This interface provides information about installation components.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners after an action has been executed.
The context provided by the installer.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners for the directory creation event.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners for download events types.
A listener that is informed about the progress of a download.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners.
The interface that must be implemented by classes who are interested in installer events.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners for single file installation events types.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners when the file installation is started.
All installer screens must implement this interface.
The event object that is passed to installer event listeners for the variable change event type.
With this class, you can retrieve the installed JVMs on Windows, Linux and Unix systems.
The interface providing information about a JVM.
This interface provides information about launchers.
Enumeration class that represents the different types of launchers.
Represents a layout group for form components.
Container for a set of localized files that represent a single ExternalFile with textual content.
The look and feel enhancer helps screens, form components and styles with specific aspects of creating the UI.
A look and feel handler can apply a look and feel.
Collection of static methods to check for running processes on macOS and terminate them.
Class that holds information about running macOS processes.
Implemented by styles that contain nested styles.
Exception that is thrown if a method is called that is not supported for elevated actions.
Enumeration class that represents the different ways how install4j can react if asked to install a file over an already existing file.
Represents a running process on Windows and macOS.
The user notification interface during installation.
A project report element contributed by a customizer.
A property converter translates between a string representation and the actual object state and provides an optional property customizer.
Customizer component for a property that is used in a dialog.
Interceptor interface for beans to modify property values that are written to the installer log file.
Enumeration class for the different registry roots in the Microsoft Windows registry.
Enumeration class for the different views of the Microsoft Windows registry on 64-bit systems.
On macOS and Windows Vista and higher, the 'require admin user' action can spawn additional installation processes that have full admin rights.
Variable replacement mode for string properties that are used in regular expressions.
The base interface for all screens.
Base class for screen bean infos.
Descriptor for script parameters of script properties defined with a ScriptPropertyDescriptor.
Property type for script properties to be used in beans.
Property descriptor for properties of type ScriptProperty.
Interface for controlling insertion and reordering of beans at design-time.
Support class for old-style enums that work with Java 1.4 and are serializable.
This exception is thrown when a call to WinServices was made with insufficient privileges.
An enum to specify service accounts.
The service configuration passed to WinServices.
The base exception type used by WinServices.
Provides information about services created with install4j.
This exception is thrown when a call to WinServices was made with a non-existing service name.
The start types of Windows services
The show command for a shell link.
Enumeration class for the different special system folders in Microsoft Windows.
This class allows you to control the splash screen of an install4j launcher from your Java code.
The exception thrown by methods of the SplashScreen class to indicate that a splash screen operation was not successful.
This class allows you to register a listener to receive startup events in single instance mode on Microsoft Windows and file open events on macOS.
The interface for startup events in single instance mode or for open file events on macOS.
All styles must implement this interface.
Context object that gives access to the style-relevant properties of a screen and its content component that should be embedded into the style component.
Implemented by objects that handle style context changes.
Helper for working with nested styles.
The class contains utility functions to get information about the current system that is not available via the Java API.
This class contains methods that deal with global properties of the installer application GUI.
The user notification interface during unattended installations.
Exception that is thrown by the replaceVariables(...) methods in AbstractBean if a variable cannot be found the VariableErrorHandling for the corresponding variable type is VariableErrorHandling.EXCEPTION.
All uninstall actions must implement this interface.
The context provided by the uninstaller.
All uninstaller screens must implement this interface.
Enumeration class that represents the different ways how install4j can handle the uninstallation of a file.
Collection of static methods to access Unix-specific file operations and information.
Holds Unix-specific information about a file.
Utility class to download an update descriptor programmatically from a given URL.
Contains information about available updates.
Contains information about a single media file available for update.
Enumeration class that represents the different update schedules.
Administrates an update schedule for your application.
Installation methods throw this exception if the user cancels an operation.
The class contains various utility functions to be used by script properties, custom actions, and custom screens.
Used in VariableErrorHandlingDescriptor to configure the error handling for a single variable type.
Specifies the error handling for variable replacements.
This class provides methods to access compiler and installer variables from your launchers.
Interface for controlling the visibility of child properties based on the value of the parent property.
Implemented by beans that contain visual components.
Collection of static methods to create and remove file associations on Microsoft Windows.
Collection of methods to retrieve information about windows on Microsoft Windows.
Collection of static methods to get and modify environment variables on Windows.
Collection of static methods to access Microsoft Windows-specific folder locations and to execute native file system operations.
Collection of static methods to add and delete Windows firewall rules.
Thrown if a modification cannot be performed because the calling process does not have administrative rights.
Thrown if an error other than missing access rights is encountered.
The network protocol for a Windows firewall rule.
The Windows firewall profiles.
A Windows firewall rule.
The direction of a Windows firewall rule.
Collection of static methods to check for running processes on Windows and terminate them.
Class that holds information about running Windows processes.
Collection of static methods to access the Microsoft Windows registry.
Class to represent Strings with type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
Collection of static methods to manipulate Windows services
Collection of static methods to create or delete users and local groups on Windows.
The group creation mode.
The wizard context allows you to modify the GUI installer or uninstaller.
A wizard index is used to configure a display of overall installation progress on the left side of the wizard.
Abstract base class for a style that wraps a single user-selectable style.