Import And Export

There are several kinds of motivations for exporting and importing your perfino configuration:

Server configuration

If you are an administrator, you can go to the general settings and select the "Export/Import" tab. The entire configuration is exported to an XML file. When you import that file, the entire server configuration is replaced. The change does not happen until you click on Apply Settings. It is not possible to delete the current user that way.

The XML file format is always backwards compatible, a more recent perfino server can read the exported file of an older version.

Naming that file perfino_server_config.xml and copying it to the perfino data directory overwrites the entire configuration at startup. This mechanism is used by the unattended installation. After the import, the file is deleted automatically.

Recording configuration

The exported XML file with the entire configuration contains license keys and user data. This may not be what you want for staging or also for backup purposes. In the recording settings, you can also export selected VM group configurations. Here, you can select "All VMs" or a particular VM group and click on the export button on the right.

This export is not only available for administrators, but also for users with "profiler" access rights.

Naming this file perfino_recording_config.xml and copying it to the perfino data directory overwrites the entire recording configuration at startup. The file is deleted automatically after the import has been completed.