All Classes and Interfaces

Marks a probe method to be called at an additional point of the previously declared interception.
Represents all available aggregation levels.
Data object for allocation hot spots.
Descriptor for an array type.
Represents all array types in the JVM.
Descriptor for a class.
The primary interface for retrieving profiling data from a profiled JVM or a saved snapshot.
Factory for creating connections to profiled JVMs and saved snapshots.
Use this class to influence the run time behaviour of JProfiler.
Marks an optional method in your probe that will be called for previously unknown control objects.
Data object for CPU hot spots.
Assigns the class of the intercepted method to a parameter of a probe method.
A descriptor describes the contents of a profiling value or a heap value.
Assigns the exception thrown by the intercepted method to a parameter of a probe method.
Heap dump options for calling Controller.triggerHeapDump(HeapDumpOptions) The default values after constructing an instance of this class are equivalent to calling heapDumpOptions.fullGc(true).primitiveData(true).calculateRetainedSizes(true).selectRecorded(true).
Contains information about allocated instances of a class or package.
An object that contains information about the current HTTP-Request.
Class with helper methods for http splitting scripts
Declares an interception that does not split the call tree or create a payload.
Specifies the point at which the probe method is invoked.
Represents all supported liveness types.
Descriptor for an array type.
Specification of the intercepted method.
Descriptor for a package.
Assigns the argument with index Parameter.value() of the intercepted method to a parameter of a probe method.
Represents payload by built-in or user-defined interceptors.
By calling this class you can add entries to the payload call tree and hotspots of your probe.
Payload type with enhanced functionality.
Descriptor for a payload.
Declares an interception that creates a payload.
For each payload probe, you have to create a subtype of this class and pass it as a class literal to the methods in Payload.
Marks a class that defines an injected probe and parametrizes the probe.
An interface for enhanced probe functionality.
Data object that holds informaton about registered interceptors.
Represents the type of elements to be tracked in probe tracking.
Special probe recording options for calling Controller.startProbeRecording(String, ProbeRecordingOptions).
Represents the types of values to be tracked in probe tracking.
Contains information about a CPU or memory profiling measurement in a call tree or hot spot list.
Data object for recorded heap usage.
This is JProfiler's MBean interface.
Assigns the return value of the instrumented method to a parameter of a probe method.
Context object that is passed to all scripts and provides ways to store key-value pairs for all subsequent invocations of any custom script.
Helper class to parse a signature in JVM format.
By calling this class you can add an arbitrary split in the call tree, just like the URL splitting of JProfiler's built-in "HTTP Server" probe.
Declares an interception that creates a split in the call tree and optionally an associated payload.
For each split probe, you have to create a subtype of this class and pass it as a class literal to the methods in Split.
Create a custom telemetry from the numeric return value of the annotated static method in your subclasses of PayloadProbe or SplitProbe.
Create a custom telemetry from the numeric return value of the annotated static method in a probe class.
Display options for a Telemetry annotation.
Display options for a Telemetry annotation.
Telemetry unit used in the TelemetryFormat annotation.
Telemetry unit used in the TelemetryFormat annotation.
Assigns the instance that the instrumented method was invoked on to a parameter of a probe method.
Describes a thread.
Allows you to override the thread state recorded in JProfiler.
Allows you to override the thread state recorded in JProfiler.
Represents all supported thread statuses.
Describes a call tree.
Helper class to get a string respresentation for a Tree structure.
Interface to further customize event enums registered with PayloadProbe.getCustomTypes().
Interface to further customize event enums configured with Probe.customTypes().
Descriptor for a URL node.