Interface RemoteControllerMBean

public interface RemoteControllerMBean

This is JProfiler's MBean interface. The MBean can be used with tools like JConsole or in your own application. For direct calls from your code in the same JVM, rather use the com.jprofiler.api.controller.Controller class.

Programmatic use

To learn how to access the JProfiler MBean in a different profiled JVM programmatically, have a look at the $JPROFILER_HOME/api/samples/mbean example project. Open the gradle build file build.gradle in an editor for instructions on how to run it.

JAR file and dependency

All classes in this package are contained in $JPROFILER_HOME/api/jprofiler-mbean.jar. The MBean API is also available as a dependency. In the snippets below, "VERSION" should be replaced with the corresponding JProfiler version.




 repositories {
   maven {
     url ''
 dependencies {
   classpath group: 'com.jprofiler', name: 'jprofiler-mbean', version: 'VERSION'
  • Method Details

    • startCPURecording

      void startCPURecording(boolean reset)
      Starts recording CPU data. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopCPURecording(). With these methods you can restrict CPU profiling to certain regions of your code.
      reset - if true, any previously accumulated CPU profiling data will be discarded. If false, CPU data will be accumulated across pairs of invocations of startCPURecording() and stopCPURecording().
    • stopCPURecording

      void stopCPURecording()
      Stops CPU recording. This method can be called after startCPURecording() has been called. However, you do not have to call it since CPU profiling can run until the JVM exits.
    • startAllocRecording

      void startAllocRecording(boolean reset)
      Starts recording of memory allocations. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopAllocRecording(). With these methods you can restrict memory allocation profiling to certain regions of your code. This is especially useful for profiling an application running within an application server.
      reset - if true, any previously recorded profiling data will be discarded. If false, allocations within all pairs of invocations of startAllocRecording() and stopAllocRecording() will be recorded.
    • stopAllocRecording

      void stopAllocRecording()
      Stops recording of memory allocations. This method can be called after startAllocRecording() has been called. However, you do not have to call it since memory profiling can run until the JVM exits.
    • addBookmark

      void addBookmark(String description)
      Adds a bookmark at the current time. The bookmark will be displayed in all JProfiler graphs with a time axis. The description will be displayed in the tooltip for the bookmark.
      description - the name of the bookmark, may also be null
    • triggerHeapDumpWithOptions

      void triggerHeapDumpWithOptions(boolean fullGc, boolean onlyRecorded, boolean primitiveData, boolean calculateRetainedSizes)
      Triggers a heap dump. If you want to analyze a heap dump with the heap walker in a snapshot saved with the saveSnapshot method, you should call this method from your source code at an appropriate time.

      ATTENTION: Taking a heap dump takes a long time (on the order of seconds). If you call this method to often, your application might become unusable or take an excessively long time to finish.

      fullGc - if true, a full garbage collection will be performed.
      onlyRecorded - if true, only objects recorded between startAllocRecording and stopAllocRecording will be included in the dump.
      primitiveData - if true, primitive data will also be recorded. This has no effect for JVMTI 1.0 (Java 5).
      calculateRetainedSizes - if true, the retained sizes of all objects will be calculated. This requires fullGc=true.
    • triggerHeapDump

      void triggerHeapDump()
      Triggers a heap dump. Calls triggerHeapDumpWithOptions(true, false, true, true).
      See Also:
    • markHeap

      void markHeap()
      Mark all objects currently on the heap as "old". In the next heap dump, you can then distinguish between objects created before and after this method was called. This action has much less overhead than a full heap dump
    • saveSnapshot

      String saveSnapshot(String file)
      Saves a snapshot of all profiling data to disk. This is especially important for offline profiling. You should choose the standard extension .jps for the file parameter, since JProfiler's GUI frontend filters the corresponding file choosers for that extension. If you want to save several snapshots during one profiling run, take care to provide unique file parameters since snapshot files will be overwritten otherwise.

      ATTENTION: Saving a snapshot takes a long time (on the order of seconds). If you call this method to often, your application might become unusable or take an excessively long time to finish, and your hard disk might run out of space.

      file - the file to which the snapshot should be saved.
      the absolute path where the snapshot was saved. This can be in a temporary directory if the working directory is not writable.
    • startThreadProfiling

      void startThreadProfiling()
      Starts recording of thread states and monitor usage. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopThreadProfiling(). For an offline session, thread profiling is switched on by default.
    • stopThreadProfiling

      void stopThreadProfiling()
      Stops recording of thread states and monitor usage. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with startThreadProfiling(). However, you do not have to call it since thread profiling can run until the JVM exits.
    • startVMTelemetryRecording

      void startVMTelemetryRecording()
      Starts recording of VM telemetry data. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopVMTelemetryRecording(). For an offline session, VM telemetry recording is switched on by default.
    • stopVMTelemetryRecording

      void stopVMTelemetryRecording()
      Stops recording of VM telemetry data. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with startVMTelemetryRecording(). However, you do not have to call it since VM telemetry recording can run until the JVM exits.
    • saveSnapshotOnExit

      void saveSnapshotOnExit(String file)
      Saves a snapshot of all profiling data to disk when the VM shuts down. This is especially important for offline profiling. You should choose the standard extension .jps for the file parameter, since JProfiler's GUI frontend filters the corresponding file choosers for that extension.

      ATTENTION: Saving a snapshot can take quite some time (on the order fo seconds). When the VM is shut down during a user logout or a system shutdown, the OS may terminate the VM before saving is completed.

      file - the file to which the snapshot should be saved.
    • enableTriggerGroup

      void enableTriggerGroup(boolean enabled, String groupId) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Enable or disable all triggers with a specified group ID. The group ID can be entered in the "Group ID" step of the trigger configuration wizard in the JProfiler GUI.
      enabled - if the triggers should be enabled
      groupId - the group ID
      IllegalArgumentException - if no trigger with the specified group ID exists
    • enableTriggers

      void enableTriggers(boolean enabled)
      Enable or disable all triggers. The enabled/disabled state of the single triggers will not be lost, disabling all triggers with this method overrides the enabled/disabled state of the single triggers.
      enabled - if the triggers should be enabled
    • startComplexityRecording

      void startComplexityRecording()
      Starts algorithmic complexity recording for all previously configured methods.
    • stopComplexityRecording

      void stopComplexityRecording()
      Stops algorithmic complexity recording and prepares data for snapshot.
    • startMonitorRecording

      void startMonitorRecording()
      Start recording of monitor usage with default thresholds of 100 microseconds for blocking events and 100 ms for waiting events. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopMonitorRecording(). Monitor profiling is switched off by default.
    • startMonitorRecording

      void startMonitorRecording(int blockedThreshold, int waitingThreshold)
      Start recording of monitor usage. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with stopMonitorRecording(). Monitor profiling is switched off by default.
      blockedThreshold - the recording threshold for blocking events in microseconds.
      waitingThreshold - the recording threshold for waiting events in microseconds.
    • stopMonitorRecording

      void stopMonitorRecording()
      Stop recording of monitor usage. This method can be called repeatedly and alternatingly with startMonitorRecording(). However, you do not have to call it since monitor profiling can run until the JVM exits.
    • triggerThreadDump

      void triggerThreadDump()
      Trigger a thread dump.
    • triggerMonitorDump

      void triggerMonitorDump()
      Trigger a dump of current monitors and locks.
    • startProbeRecording

      void startProbeRecording(String probeName, boolean events, boolean specialRecording)
      Start recording data for a selected probe.
      probeName - the name of the probe. For built-in probes, see the PROBE_NAME constants in com.jprofiler.api.controller.Controller. For embedded and injected probes, the class name of the probe is used. For script probes, this name is script.n where n is the one-based index of the script probe.
      events - determines whether events should be recorded for the "Events" view of the probe. Has no effect for probes that do not have an "Events" view.
      specialRecording - determines whether special recordings for the probe should be switched on. For the "JDBC" probe, this controls connection leak tracking. Has no effect for other probes without special recording.
    • stopProbeRecording

      void stopProbeRecording(String probeName)
      Stop recording data for a selected probe.
      probeName - the name of the probe. For built-in probes, see the PROBE_NAME constants in com.jprofiler.api.controller.Controller. The string values can be obtained when clicking on the "Constant Field Values" link in the JavaDoc of the fields. For embedded and injected probes, the class name of the probe is used. For script probes, this name is script.n where n is the one-based index of the script probe.
    • convertToAbsolutePath

      String convertToAbsolutePath(String path)
      Return an absolute path for the given path. Relative paths will be resolved against the working directory of the profiled JVM. With this method you can determine where a snapshot will be saved to when a relative path is passed to the saveSnapshot(String) method. The returned path will have file separators of the remote machine.