Package com.jprofiler.api.probe.embedded

package com.jprofiler.api.probe.embedded

Contains the classes for creating an embedded probe.

Purpose of embedded probes

Please read the "Probe concepts" chapter in the documentation (directory $JPROFILER_HOME/doc) for an overview on the different types of custom probes in JProfiler and the "Embedded probes" chapter for an extended discussion of embedded probes.

Embedded probes allow you to add functionality similar to the built-in probes in JProfiler. In contrast to the "injected" probe API, the "embedded" probe API is called directly from the monitored software. If you want to monitor software components whose source code is not under your control, use the injected probe API instead.

Getting started

There are two types of embedded probes, split probes and payloads probes. Please see Split and Payload for further information.

To get started with writing embedded probes, have a look at the $JPROFILER_HOME/api/samples/simple-embedded-probe example project. Open the gradle build file build.gradle in an editor for instructions on how to run it.

JAR file and dependency

All classes in this package are contained in $JPROFILER_HOME/api/jprofiler-probe-embedded.jar. The embedded probe API is also available as a dependency. In the snippets below, "VERSION" should be replaced with the corresponding JProfiler version.




 repositories {
   maven {
     url ''
 dependencies {
   classpath group: 'com.jprofiler', name: 'jprofiler-probe-embedded', version: 'VERSION'

Classes in this package and its sub-packages are licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.

  • Class
    By calling this class you can add entries to the payload call tree and hotspots of your probe.
    For each payload probe, you have to create a subtype of this class and pass it as a class literal to the methods in Payload.
    By calling this class you can add an arbitrary split in the call tree, just like the URL splitting of JProfiler's built-in "HTTP Server" probe.
    For each split probe, you have to create a subtype of this class and pass it as a class literal to the methods in Split.
    Allows you to override the thread state recorded in JProfiler.
    Interface to further customize event enums registered with PayloadProbe.getCustomTypes().