Please note that the online order process is provided by our partner cleverbridge AG.
If you have further questions regarding the online order process, please visit their customer support center or send an email to [email protected].
The online order process supports the following methods of payment:
- Credit Cards (including Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
- PayPal
- Bank/Wire Transfer
You can request a written quote online on our website or contact ej-technologies' sales department by email.
All products can be downloaded from our website. The license keys are delivered by email. After the online purchase is completed, the license key is generated and sent to the email address that you have specified in your contact details.
Established companies can order ej-technologies' products with purchase orders. Purchase orders can be sent by email to sales@ej-technologies
Alternatively, you can place a purchase order via cleverbridge. To do that, please start the order process online on our website and choose "Purchase order" as payment option. Further instructions will be given in the subsequent steps.